Fall 2015 Last Day for Bookstore Vouchers
This is the last day you may use your excess Fall 2015 Financial Aid to purchase textbooks.
1st 8 weeks of full semester; first 4 weeks of summer semester.
This is the last day you may use your excess Fall 2015 Financial Aid to purchase textbooks.
All Full, Half Term - First 5 Weeks and Distance Learning sections start on this day.
This is the last day students can add a First 5 Weeks section without the instructors approval.
This is the last day a student can drop a First 5 Weeks section and not receive a grade.
Student withdrawing from a First 5 Weeks class beginning on this date will receive a grade of "W" on their transcipt for the course.
This is the last day for Students withdrawing from a First 5 Weeks class to receive a grade of "W" on their transcipt for the course. After this date they will receive a grade of "F".
Student withdrawing from a First 5 Weeks class beginning on this date will receive a grade of "F" on their transcipt for the course.
Web Grading is opened for Faculty submission of Grades beginning on this date for First 5 Weeks sections.
All First 5 Weeks Classes end on this date.
Faculty must have grades submitted on the web by 12:00pm on this day.