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Planning Your Path

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Monday, June 22, 2020 - 12:00am
Event Description: 

Getting from enrollment to graduation may seem simple. You take the right classes, you get your degree - right? Not so fast. There are general requirements, prerequisites, corequisites, recommended electives, financial aid requirements and so much more. Juggling all of these requirements is a task in itself - your Success Coach is key to the process!  In this workshop, we'll help you understand some of the lingo, the order, and the many layers that go into making up your two-year plan. Understanding the entire process puts you in the driver's seat, ready to have those important conversations, make those tough choices, and determine what your degree program, and thus your career path will entail. 

This workshop is not held live - all recordings and resources are available in the Online Learning Center Blackboard organization. GCC students can enroll themselves in this organization. Tutoring staff will be available for office hours to discuss this workshop during the promoted week and students can sign up to meet with a tutor through TutorTrac.